After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, the Ukrainian government began asking its international supporters to provide it with combat aircraft. By 2023, a number of NATO members had agreed to provide training on the US-made F-16 to Ukrainian pilots, and last summer it was announced that a number of F-16s would be provided to Ukraine. Now, the first batch of aircraft have arrived in the country and, according to reports, have already begun flying operational missions. But what role will they play and what effect might they have on the overall war? In this episode, John Amble is joined by retired US Air Force Colonel Mike Pietrucha, a veteran aviator and airpower scholar who has closely studied the war in Ukraine. He shares his insightful perspective on what the introduction of F-16s means for the war in Ukraine.
The MWI Podcast is produced with the generous support of the West Point Class of 1974.
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