This special episode of the MWI Podcast features the first installment of a three-part miniseries produced by the Irregular Warfare Initiative. The series focuses on irregular warfare in Israel and is hosted by Adam Darnley-Stuart. In the first episode, he speaks to renowned counterterrorism analyst Dr. Levi West about Hamas, its history, and its strategy. Dr. West offers nuanced insights into Hamas operations and the likelihood that the organization's tactics might be adopted by other groups around the world. The discussion explores the effects of the October 7 Hamas attacks and Israel's ongoing military response on the enduring friction between Israel and Iran, examines the broader impacts on the geopolitical environment, and more. Be sure to subscribe to the Irregular Warfare Podcast to hear the second and third parts of this timely series.
In this episode, MWI's Capt. Jake Miraldi speaks to Dr. Graham Allison, author of the book "Destined for War: Can America and China Escape...
This episode of the MWI Podcast features a conversation with Matt Larsen, known in many corners of the Army as the father of the...
Arctic geopolitics are characterized by features that set the region apart from others. Eveything from governance structures to the way Arctic states engage with...