Ukrainian forces have been praised for their innovation efforts during their ongoing war with Russia, particularly with regard to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. But what has that innovation actually looked like? Is it principally about repurposing equipment, like commercial quadcopters, or is it more a function of implementation, like experimenting with new tactics? And how has Russian forces' own innovation compared? Most importantly, what effect has innovation had on battlefield outcomes? Sam Bendett, an adviser at CNA’s Strategy, Policy, Plans, and Programs Center and a member of CNA’s Russia Studies Program, joins this episode to discuss these questions and more.
We talk with August Cole about how autonomous systems will shape the future battlefield and how they are beginning to appear today. Where on ...
As the US Space Force nears its third birthday, John Amble is joined by Dr. Moriba Jah on this episode to explore just how...
The recent decision to withdraw seven hundred US servicemembers from Somalia offers a timely opportunity to explore a few important questions: How does the...